The Lord’s Supper
This past Sunday we had the opportunity to partake of the Lord’s Supper. I am ashamed of how long it has been since we had taken it. It is my fault and I will make sure that we do it more than we have in the past.
There are a couple of different “takes” on how often the Lord’s Supper should be taken. I spoke of these on Sunday AM. I want to expound on them today. The first option is to take the Lord’s Supper every week. The other option is to space it out and take sporadically.
Taking the Lord’s Supper Weekly
This option is one gives the most opportunities to remember the death of Jesus and the price that He paid for us. As I think about this, I can’t help but say this is the option that we should have. We should desire this as followers of Christ, and I do. But at the same time, I don’t believe the Lord’s Supper should become so commonplace that it is just a routine part of the service each week. You know like singing four songs and then the preaching or saying something like, “Please take a guest card and fill it out and place it in the offering plate at the end of the service.” Even though there needs to be structure in the service, there should also be flexibility or there comes legalism. And if the Cross of Jesus is anything it is totally on the other end of the spectrum from legalism. Christ’s Cross and our remembrance of it must be such that is done willfully and meaningfully, not something that is just routine.
Taking it TOO Sparingly
The Lords Supper is important. Paul stated in 1 Cor. 11 that every time we partake of it we proclaim the gospel.” That is big time stuff right there. So by not partaking of it or by doing so less frequently we are missing opportunities to “drive home” or proclaim the gospel in our hearts and lives. Let alone proclaim it to those that don’t know Jesus who might be in our midst each time we partake of it.
So which way is right? Yes! I know you hate that about me, but I truly don’t know which one is right. If you and I could come and partake of it, yet not allow it to become “routine” then I would say lets take the Lord’s Supper each week. I just don’t know if that is possible! The other option is not doing it on a weekly basis, but how often do we partake of it? Once a month? Every other month? Quarterly? If I say we are going to do it on the 1st Sunday of the even months, isn’t that a routine? I know I know, just give me a straight answer. Well I am going to set up for the remainder of 2010 and into 2011 that we take of the Lord’s Supper every other month at least. I don’t think that I will have it set up each time the same, but we will have an opportunity to participate in taking the Lord’s Supper.
The Next opportunity that we will have to partake of the Lord’s Supper will be in December. As you go about your week this week, please think about the Lord Jesus as He shed His blood for you and allowed His body to be bruised, and maligned for you. Allow it to sink in, just a bit more, as you reflect on the price of your salvation. Sure it was a free gift for YOU and ME.
Well said! I'm enjoying the Dock. Keep the posts coming.