Saturday, October 16, 2010

Emergency Response

The other day I got a call from my alarm company. They stated I had a "medical alarm" at my house. To be honest I didn't even know that I had a "medical alarm" on my alarm system, or what it means. I was at the office when it went off at the house. I received the call from the company and I went to the house. As I pulled up to the house I saw the policeman go into the back yard; he came out of there really quick, because of Zeke. We walked through the house and no one was there. As we were walking through the house the fireman come running through the house to yelling out trying to find the person who needed medical attention. Finally the paramedics come running in doing the same as the firemen. Even though I didn't need the emergency crew to come to my house I sure am glad there is one and that they are ready to do their job.

As I thought about the event at my house I couldn't help to think about the emergency protection you and I have from the Word of God. Verse after verse and passage after passage speaks volumes of words that will help you when you are in a bind. There are verses as well that will calm you when the world around you is spinning. To be honest, I hope you and I don't need the "emergency" help, but they are there when you do.

In God's written His Word, He has given words of assurance such as, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." He also states for us, "to be still and know that He is God." Jesus states, "I will pray to the Father and ask Him to send you another (of the same kind) Comforter." He gives us words of comfort, of encouragement and words of help all when we need it. Go to His Word and get that help when you need it! Go now even if you don't and be prepared for the emergency. We know it is coming, we just don't know when. "Count it all joy when you go through various trials." Get into His Word today! He has a great word for you!

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