Sunday, October 24, 2010

Staff "Retreat" 2010

Well it is over! I know that sounds like I hate something, but I don’t. Well I kind of don’t hate it. Staff retreats are something that REALLY need to happen, but at the same time trying to put all of that stuff into a short period of time, for Riverbend 5 hrs, is hard. I know what you are saying, “that is not much of a retreat.” This is true, but we do what we can, so we knock it out in 5 hrs.

This afternoon the staff and I sat down and looked at a number of different parts of Riverbend Church seeking to move us forward in the different ministry areas. We looked at Ministry Teams as well as Kids and Youth along with Connect groups and Missions. In each of the areas we mapped out a plan to help move us forward in ministry. Whether it was tweaking an area or building one up pretty much from scratch that was the task at hand. All in all I believe we were able to tackle quite a few items and will see some drastic movement in these areas SOON.

I don’t say this enough, but Liz Alexander, Clay Taylor and David Fields are ALL great to work with! Riverbend you are blessed to have them on staff, I know you all know this too.

Over the next couple of weeks we will be putting these ministry teams together: Women, Men, Missions, Children, Youth, Welcome, Decorations and Building. I believe the involvement of you on these teams will allow us to TOTALLY change the scope of ministry here at Riverbend. As we implement these groups please pray! We truly need God to direct and to guide in this venture. We desire to grow, spiritually as well as numerically, and these teams will multiply the ministry here at Riverbend. This is just another step in the growth of the church, and we look forward to see these teams minister.

One more thing tonight, remember to pray this week about the building. We are close in finalizing the plans for it as well as securing it. This will allow us to more than double our space in order to grow. This is great news as we are now needing the space, especially in our kids area. God will open the door when we are to walk through, so please pray for discernment and wisdom.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sitting and Waiting

As I sat in the services last week I could not help but sigh. I truly enjoy preaching; it is one of my favorite parts about being a pastor. I heard two great sermons Sunday, one by Pastor Jim Perdue of Crosspoint Church Millington and one by Pastor David Fields. But it was hard for me to sit in the seat because I enjoy it so much. As I prepare this week to bring God’s Word to His people my mind is focused on that phrase. I am bringing God’s Word to His people. It is an awesome task; one that I do not take for granted, and one that I will ever have on my mind as the time approaches for me to be “in the pulpit” again.

I learned a few things sitting in the seat this past Sunday. I better have, I gave up my favorite part of my work. Hopefully I can put into practice what I learned this past week. Come prepared to Worship Sunday! Not just with the omnipresence of God or even the abiding presence, seek His Manifold Presence. He desires to be with you in that way. He is ready and willing; we must come on His terms, so that we might enjoy Him.

Thanks David for your spirit of service and for you use of your talents/gifts that He has given you! Riverbend we are BLESSED indeed to have David with us!

See you Sunday,


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Emergency Response

The other day I got a call from my alarm company. They stated I had a "medical alarm" at my house. To be honest I didn't even know that I had a "medical alarm" on my alarm system, or what it means. I was at the office when it went off at the house. I received the call from the company and I went to the house. As I pulled up to the house I saw the policeman go into the back yard; he came out of there really quick, because of Zeke. We walked through the house and no one was there. As we were walking through the house the fireman come running through the house to yelling out trying to find the person who needed medical attention. Finally the paramedics come running in doing the same as the firemen. Even though I didn't need the emergency crew to come to my house I sure am glad there is one and that they are ready to do their job.

As I thought about the event at my house I couldn't help to think about the emergency protection you and I have from the Word of God. Verse after verse and passage after passage speaks volumes of words that will help you when you are in a bind. There are verses as well that will calm you when the world around you is spinning. To be honest, I hope you and I don't need the "emergency" help, but they are there when you do.

In God's written His Word, He has given words of assurance such as, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." He also states for us, "to be still and know that He is God." Jesus states, "I will pray to the Father and ask Him to send you another (of the same kind) Comforter." He gives us words of comfort, of encouragement and words of help all when we need it. Go to His Word and get that help when you need it! Go now even if you don't and be prepared for the emergency. We know it is coming, we just don't know when. "Count it all joy when you go through various trials." Get into His Word today! He has a great word for you!

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Lord's Supper

The Lord’s Supper

This past Sunday we had the opportunity to partake of the Lord’s Supper. I am ashamed of how long it has been since we had taken it. It is my fault and I will make sure that we do it more than we have in the past.

There are a couple of different “takes” on how often the Lord’s Supper should be taken. I spoke of these on Sunday AM. I want to expound on them today. The first option is to take the Lord’s Supper every week. The other option is to space it out and take sporadically.

Taking the Lord’s Supper Weekly

This option is one gives the most opportunities to remember the death of Jesus and the price that He paid for us. As I think about this, I can’t help but say this is the option that we should have. We should desire this as followers of Christ, and I do. But at the same time, I don’t believe the Lord’s Supper should become so commonplace that it is just a routine part of the service each week. You know like singing four songs and then the preaching or saying something like, “Please take a guest card and fill it out and place it in the offering plate at the end of the service.” Even though there needs to be structure in the service, there should also be flexibility or there comes legalism. And if the Cross of Jesus is anything it is totally on the other end of the spectrum from legalism. Christ’s Cross and our remembrance of it must be such that is done willfully and meaningfully, not something that is just routine.

Taking it TOO Sparingly

The Lords Supper is important. Paul stated in 1 Cor. 11 that every time we partake of it we proclaim the gospel.” That is big time stuff right there. So by not partaking of it or by doing so less frequently we are missing opportunities to “drive home” or proclaim the gospel in our hearts and lives. Let alone proclaim it to those that don’t know Jesus who might be in our midst each time we partake of it.

So which way is right? Yes! I know you hate that about me, but I truly don’t know which one is right. If you and I could come and partake of it, yet not allow it to become “routine” then I would say lets take the Lord’s Supper each week. I just don’t know if that is possible! The other option is not doing it on a weekly basis, but how often do we partake of it? Once a month? Every other month? Quarterly? If I say we are going to do it on the 1st Sunday of the even months, isn’t that a routine? I know I know, just give me a straight answer. Well I am going to set up for the remainder of 2010 and into 2011 that we take of the Lord’s Supper every other month at least. I don’t think that I will have it set up each time the same, but we will have an opportunity to participate in taking the Lord’s Supper.

The Next opportunity that we will have to partake of the Lord’s Supper will be in December. As you go about your week this week, please think about the Lord Jesus as He shed His blood for you and allowed His body to be bruised, and maligned for you. Allow it to sink in, just a bit more, as you reflect on the price of your salvation. Sure it was a free gift for YOU and ME.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Leassons Learned N Life

As my day started last Friday, I was looking forward to a couple of events happening in the near future. I was finally going to go to CAMP LOGOS, a learning conference for my bible software, and also a night with Paige and the kids that would happen Saturday night. But as the clock approached 7:30 AM my phone rang. I answered and the person on the other end told me about his experience the night before. He spoke of a 19 yr. old who was all alone and needed to talk with somebody, who wound up being me. To be honest, at first I really didn’t want to do it! I had my weekend planned out and there didn’t seem like any time to do any “ministering,” so I told the man that I would try to make some calls and get back with him later in the day.

Later came and I knew I needed to call him back and see what was needed and how I could help. I called him and got Alex’s, that is the 19 yr. old’s name, number. Friday night about 10PM I met Alex and talked with him some as well as got him a room to sleep in. For the past week Alex had been sleeping in his car, not the greatest of places to get some rest to say the least. He and I spoke about his beliefs “surfacely” and I told him how much God loved him and desired for Alex to know Him.

As I left I invited Alex to Riverbend for Sunday’s services. He said he would see and we left it there. As soon as I left Alex texted the man who called me. He was OVERWHELMED the two strangers could be so kind and that they could show genuine love with no strings attached to him. His own family had turned on him, but we just loved on him. Alex came Sunday AM and he said Riverbend was a “cool” church and if he had another Sunday or two before he was to be shipped out, Alex is going into the Army and is headed to Basic Training, that he would have visited again. He really liked the music! On that thought, how is that people really like the music? Why not the preaching? What is that all about? Why does everyone have to like David and the Band and NO ONE ever likes the preaching? Is it that bad? Really? OK I’m just kidding! I love David and the Band as well and truly I think the preaching is just SO SO. Ha! Back to the lesson.

Alex and I have spoken quite a bit since Friday. He has been over to the house for lunch, we have sat in my truck and talked and today I took him to lunch before he was to ship off. I tell you the story to give you some background to this lesson I have learned. Alex doesn’t believe that God exists. He believes that his purpose for being here is just to live as he sees fit and that he will die and that is that. We discussed eternity, which he does NOT believe in; we discussed salvation, which he does NOT believe in. After all this talking I have come away with this lesson entrenched in my mind, GOD MUST DRAW ONE TO HIM. I can say all the right things, I can show him all the things about God and about what He has done, but ultimately He must draw someone to Himself. I knew this, but as the weekend grew, I wanted Alex to come to know Jesus as LORD. This has not happened as of yet, but I am crying out to Him for Him to do just that, save Alex.

God is in the saving business! That is what He does, and my prayer will continue to be that God saves Alex!

Sunday I spoke about being “Living Sacrifices,” we are to be His in such a way that everywhere we go we are His. Whatever we are doing we are His. He has the best for us and desires for us to obey in order that His name, His kingdom and His glory might be shown all over His world. You can be a living sacrifice, a moldable and able vessel for Him if you would humbly bow the knee. He wants for you to bow the knee because you desire to do so, not because He makes you. Think about this as you go about your day!

Oh yeah, PRAY for Alex! He is shipping out today, 10/5/10 @ 3:30PM, to go to Basic Training. Pray that God will meet him and he will see the TRUTH. Thanks!

Peace and Grace,

Brian T.